In performing chemical peels, physicians apply alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), trichloroacetic acid (TCA), or phenol to the skin. Typically administered as a facial peel, a chemical peel enhances and smoothes the texture of the skin. It is an effective treatment for facial blemishes, wrinkles, and uneven skin pigmentation.
Are Chemical Peels Safe? With most chemical peels, adverse reactions are rare, but can include scarring, numbness, and infection. Following mild to medium peels, patients can expect some relatively common chemical peel side effects, such as mild irritation, redness, and peeling.
A chemical peel is a technique used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck or hands. A chemical solution is applied to the skin that causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin.
Chemical Peels for Deep Acne Scars. ... Although no single treatment is best for everyone, an acne chemical peel may provide effective treatment for some patients' deep acne scars. A deep TCA peel or a phenol chemical peel may be able to resurface the treated skin enough to eliminate the appearance of acne scars.
These days, lasers can eradicate everything from broken blood vessels and redness to uneven tone, large pores, fine lines and, yes, brown spots. Chemical peels are nice fresheners and can help with brightening overall dull tone. But for individual dark spots, the quickest way to eliminate them is by lasering them.
A Chemical Peel Is … A chemical peel is a much deeper form of treatment for your forehead, cheeks, chin, and more. The chemicals used in a peel are slightly stronger than those used in a facial, and will exfoliate skin by dissolving the damaged, upper layers.
At Mukha find out how you can also look great and feel fabulous.
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Dr Girish and his team at Mukha believes that brining in improvements to people's face brings in a lot more confidence and postiveness in them. We strive hard to educate and make our patients understand about their present condition, treatment and improvements that they can achieve by undergoing these procedures.
Mukha Facial Surgery & Implant Center Helping people in all aspects of facial surgerical needs and dental implant solutons. Mukha facial surgery is a dedicated Oral & Maxillofacial surgical center in South Bangalore, at Jayangar 8th Block, Karnataka State, Bangalore city, India