+91 81234 36060
080 41737567
+91 98809 58675

Tooth Coloured Fillings

Mukha Facial Surgery & Dental Implant Center

Root canal treatment at Mukha - How to save your tooth structure

Root canal is a treatment to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. The procedure involves removing the damaged area of the tooth (the pulp) and cleaning and disinfecting it, then filling and sealing it. The common causes affecting the pulp are a cracked tooth, a deep cavity, repeated dental treatment to the tooth or trauma to it. The term "root canal" comes from cleaning of the canals inside the tooth's root. Decades ago, root canal treatments were painful. With dental advances and local anesthetics, most people have little if any pain with a root canal today.

When is the root canal treatment done?

Endodontic treatment is necessary when the pulp, the soft tissue inside the root canal, becomes inflamed or infected. The inflammation or infection can have a variety of causes: deep decay repeated dental procedures on the tooth or a crack or chip in the tooth.

Mukha Facial Surgery & Dental Implant Center

Why should a crown has to be put immediately after root canal treated tooth?

After performing root canal work, permanent fillings are applied to protect the treated teeth from bacteria and to strengthen them in the process. For many root canal procedures, however, fitting crowns over the filled teeth is necessary because of the high risk of fracture without the extra protection crowns provide. Another advantage of crowns is that they restore the natural appearance of your teeth.

Cosmetic facial surgeries at affordable prices.

At Mukha find out how you can also look great and feel fabulous.
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Mukha Facial Surgery Clinic

Educate, enhace and empower

At Mukha we belive in educating, enhacing and empowering our patients lives

Dr Girish and his team at Mukha believes that brining in improvements to people's face brings in a lot more confidence and postiveness in them. We strive hard to educate and make our patients understand about their present condition, treatment and improvements that they can achieve by undergoing these procedures.

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Mukha Facial Surgery & Implant Center Helping people in all aspects of facial surgerical needs and dental implant solutons. Mukha facial surgery is a dedicated Oral & Maxillofacial surgical center in South Bangalore, at Jayangar 8th Block, Karnataka State, Bangalore city, India